The horror after SPM

In the beginning of the year, we always wanted SPM to end as soon as possible. Ya, it is for us to have free time, enjoying life and most important, dun need to go school. I am also a student who wanted SPM to over as fast as it can. But now, i regret my thinking. After SPM over, the friends which are close to us will separate and move in their own path way. For myself, my friends and me which JunHui called it as ''Mighty 10'' has separated. Example HanSeng go to work, JunHui going for NS, and some friends can't be contact due to staying too far. This make my life boring. No human can live without friends.

Beside that, after SPM, u will have alot of choices. U can either continue your studies in university, form6 or college. At this point, u will have a great headache if you still cant decide what are u going for. I have already decide to take Electrical and Enginerring courses. But i kinda worry about my qualification. I did't do well in my SPM and i scared i will ruin my own career and future.

After SPM, some will be forced by parent to work part time while waiting for the SPM result. At this time, we will exposed to the social. It is not as good as u think. There will be alot of bad peoples in the sociaty. We will be not under protection of parents, teacher and maybe friends anymore. We neeed to learn how to survive in the sociaty which good commuincating skill.

P.S : The day after spm, it is scary.....

Something about me....

Well, everyday in my life is quite happy. No stress and tension. Free from unnessary trouble. My happiness level is wil increase if I can back to time and appreaciate what i want the most. Oh yea, Of course my friends is one my of key to happiness life.

There are only one thing that make me sad in my whole life. It is not about love life but the lost of my father in family. Till now, my mood still will turn sad and bad when I think back the moment of joyness with him.

I feel dissapointed with the God's decision. It taking away good man life. Don't u guys agree that God should punish the human with alot of sins? Why every good man have to died early? They did't commit any sins but they died at young age. For example, my dad. He did't smoke, smoke and other find other womans. He have good leadership, caring, and a nice joker.

Usually, i am a very patience fella. But, don't over the limits of my patience. Last time, i once hit ny friends once the anger feeling taking over my mind. I don't care the consequences and I will do anything to revenge to the fella who make me angry.

Happy 70th Birthday,Grandpa!!

Today is my Grandpa's birthday. I woke up at 3.00pm since i sleep at 6.30am. A while after i wake up, I received a call from my mum. She said that today is my grandpa's birthday. In my mind, there are only 1 person birthday. The date is 19th.July. Hehe, Guess whos birthday is this. Then i Take bath and get ready for the Dinner on 7.00pm.

While waiting the time to pass, HanSeng pm me through Msn. He told me that he already found a job. Zzzz. All my plan ruined. I actually planned to play badminton, but now there will be no one able to book the court in the Community Hall. Aih...

On 7.00pm, My aunty fetch me to the restaurant. Well, my cousin asked me when to treat her a meal. Do she need a roti canai? xD. If she want, I can treat wor. My aunty,cousin and me are the most late to attend the dinner. PaiSeh. My mum and aunty ordered some food which is my Grandpa's favourite. While waiting for the food to be served, We chit chat abit.

After the dinner, we have ordered a cake for my grandpa. The restaurant played a birthday song for my grandpa too. PaiSeh. Then we sang him a birthday song. My grandpa wished that he will win some money every time he go to Genting. Hmm, about this wish, we must seek help from Jirachi lor. Jirachi, can grant it mar? xD

The Undang Test, The 2nd step towards driving

Woah, I studied until 2am but i am still able to wake up on 6.15am. I went to bath and have maggee as my breakfast. Hmm, my friend send me to the driving school which are located at Sri Petaling. I kinda worried because i feel like i still can't mastered the road sign and driving skills. Oh yea, I reach there on 7.00am. I am the first one to arrived. Then i called Jonathan to ensure him not to '' Fong Fei Kei''. He and WenYao are the 2nd and 3rd to reach the driving school. Then followed by HanSeng and lastly by MunKin. We sit at the coffee shop but did't order any drinks. Paiseh. We continued reading and exchanged idea about what we understand about driving and we ask what we don't understand. I can feel everyone is tension and worried bout the result.

Soon after a while, the uncle who fetch us to the test area arrived. He checked the list and asked us to wait in his van. After a while, he start the car and headed to the test area. On the way to the test area, a woman been following the van since the time we leave the driving school. She been late and her daughter entered the van at Carefour area. While in the van, i am still reading the Undang Book. We reach the test area within 20 minutes.

When we reach there, there are alots of people waiting for the test centre to open. We are like gangters waiting for our triad leader to come and lead us for Killing. Soon, the people in charged reached and asked us to went in and wait for turn. We wait until our head grow some mushroom and mold. Zzzz. We reading while waiting for ours turn. We reach there on 8.00am but we only entered the exam room on 11.00am. Mun Kin enter first, followed by Jonathan, then me, HanSeng and lastly WenYao.

Luckly, All of us managed to pass the exam. MunKin da pro managed to get full mark which is 50/50. Meanwhile, Jonathan and Hanseng managed to get 48/50. WenYao and me get 46/50.
After we finished, we been waiting for a people to do his test. He been inside the exam room for quite a long time. But in the end, the candidates which are from Sri Petaling all managed to pass.

p.s: Nothing inspirated me in da exam..I did it by my own!!

The Unlucky Day in my Life...

Today 08th.12.2007 is the day i go to Sunway Lagoon. Its a rainy day. I wake up on 9.00am. When i wake up, I was very suprise to see my friend Vincent Lee to be in my house and playing my computer. I wondering how he come in. Well, i wake up too late. I ajak HanSeng and Jonathan to go Carefour at 9.00am for gathering. Once i wake up, i rush to bath. After bath, I just simply pack up few thing and put it my bag. Then, I walk down and wait for taxi.

After few minutes, i called my grandpa to seek for his help to send me to CareFour which are situated at Sri Petaling. He say that he is busy. I and VinCent walked to his house and finally he agree to send us there. I reach Carefour at 10.00am which i had already late for 1 hours. Sry ya..

After gather, we tahan taxi to go SunWay Lagoon. We talk about Maple in the taxi. We reach Sunway Pyramid at 10.30am. Once we reach there, I called Joseph and asked where is he and his gang. They are having their breakfast at Waffle World. Then Vincent , Hanseng , jonathan and me go to join them. I ordered a Cappucino. After breakfast, we headed to Sunway Lagoon.

When we reached there, the are 5 girls wanted to sell us their tickets. It is because it is still raining. They sell us the ticket for more low price. Those girls, they asked for Joseph handphone number. @@. HanSeng and Vincent didt follow us to Sunway Lagoon. Hanseng didt go because he is not allow to swim because his parent worry bout him. For Vincent case, it is because he only bring rm5 go SunWay Lagoon. What can rm5 do?

We entered Sunway Lagoon. We headed to locked room to put our stuff. After finished changing, we headed to wet land. WOAH. That is fun. We started the day with a game like slide with a float. Then we go to a game which we are given a yellow board for us for slide down. Wah, With high speed, we slide down. Oh yea, there are one time, when we are counting 1 ,2 and 3, suddenly the game instructor asked us to stop since there are still people down there. But it is already too late. Only Jonathan and Joseph are able to stop. The rest of us, we slided down.

After game, we headed to beach. Wah, we splash water to each other like 7 years old kid. Junseng lost his glasses here but he managed to found it back. We swim here for a while. Then we headed to theme park. We walked here a while. Then suddenly Joseph and Albert take off his shirt. We are so suprise. But after a while, they wear it back.

Then we headed to theme park. This is where nightmare begin. In a game, i lost my glasses. I cant see thing clearly and i cant play anymore cause i am having headache. That all for today....since i m veri tired after dota practise for next week tournament.

p.s : Inspirasi Ke Arah Kejayaan. There are alot.


Today is a rainy day. I wake up on 7.30am. Junfei's miss call work as alarm for me to wake up.

After i wake up, i went to fetch him and bring him to my house. We planned to go MidValley with my mum , my 2 cousin , Vincent Lee, and JunFei of course. After JunFei reached my house, he played a DOTA game while i went out having breaking with my mum. After i return, i take a nap a while because i only slept for 2 hours. Then , i bring JunFei to have his lunch at nearby mamak stall.

After our lunch, we headed to cyber cafe which are located near my house. We spend about 1 and half hours at the cyber cafe. We played dota together but unfortunately i was disconnected for certain reason. While we are playing at cyber cafe, my friend Vincent called me and told me that he already reached MidValley. I still havent bath. I rushed home after playing at the cyber cafe. I bath for 10 minutes den i called my grandpa to fetch me to Central since it is hard to get a taxi when it is a rainy day.

My grandpa nag me for few minutes cause i had disturb his beauty sleep. Lolx. After he dropped me at Central, JunFei and me managed to get a taxi and we are sended to MidValley. After i reached MiDValley with JunFei, i called Vincent to inform he that we are already reached MidValley. We soon gathered in front of the cinema and we planned to go for snooker. Unfortunately, it is full. Hmm, this is first time i see it full on weekdays. Then, we had a walk all around the complex. After a while, i received a call from my mum. She told me that she is arrived with my 2 cousin and asked me to wait her at South Court but I mistaken and went to North Court. Then i asked my mum to go cinema to wait me.

We watched a movie name ''The Golden Compass''. Well, the story is about a young girls in action to save her friend and seeking what is DUST. It is nice movie. What i sad is the movie will be continued in part 2. I want to Know the ENDING!! After the movie, i went to play snooker with JunFei and Vincent. Well, i don't know how to play so i only watched JunFei and Vincent play. JunFei won the game and the style Vincent hold the stick, it is funny =D.

After playing snooker, JunFei headed home 1st. I then called my cousin to play bowling with me.
It is fun. I managed to strike and spare once during the game. Of course, what make me happy is i managed to win Vincent that lanci me before the game. He get the last position. After the bowling, i been waiting taxi for 40 minutes. But during the time, i saw alot of ''Inspirasi Ke Arah Kejayaan''. This make my day worth. After i reached home, i cant sleep even i am veri tired. I have to play dota because i having a tournament soon.



When I was in Form 3, my team consist of me, JunHui, WenYao, Jonathan, Joseph, HanSeng, MunKin, JunSeng, JunFei and Albert was assigned a Geography folio for the which influece the gred of PMR. My friends and I are formed a team. After school, we split up to do some survey for the Geography Folio. As i can remember, we been to a house. We knocked so long but nobody answer us. We never give up, and keep ringing the door bell. After a while, a girls with half naked answer us through the room window. Guess what she doing? =D

After doing survey house by house, we went to CareFour. We had our lunch at KFC over there. After our lunch, we split up again into five group to have our survey. Me and JunHui are in group. We managed to get 5 to 10 survey from the shopkeeper who are work in the CareFour.
After we finished our survey, we gathered once again and prepared to go back to school. As i remembered, i snapped a picture which MunKin holding an umbrella and act like girl. Well, it is our first time seeing MunKin holding an umbrella and the way he hold it, it is like a girl.

We headed back to school. We waiting for JunHui mum to fetch me and MunKin home. My whole body are in pain after i reach home but i was sastify with the teamwork and the result we get for the survey. We managed to get 100+ survey form which double the requirement.

The day which i read a book after SPM

I wake up on 8.30am....being forced by mum to follow her to makan....even i cant open my eye...i eat 1 breakfast taste awful...but nvm.....Den when i go back home...I open my pc......Den miraclly i not sleepy anymore....The power of gaming -.-....I start Maple Story....after playing for 30 minutes....i feel sleepy again....I close my computer n sleep for 3hour until my fren come to my house....He called me 2 time....but i didt pick up....Too nyeyak ady la...xP....Until he fed up terus come my housE o.O....he come my house....use pc for a while....den we go for....Swim...My god...

Before i go to swim...i read a book....I never study a book....but for tis time...for the first time i study the book wit my willing heart....The KPP book....i study for 1 hour...LoL...I still not able to answer few question...hopefully i can memorize it before i go for the UNDANG EXAM....which is on tis coming saturday~~ After read the KPP undang book...i go to swim...

While i m swiming.....I saw sumthing '' Inspirasi ke arah kejayaan ''....But unfortunately...I juz c behind la.....from behind 2nd word got 25 ( JunHui saje yang paham...xP )...Maybe behind 5 front TNS....aih....But i sure will got other chance to meet....After swim for 1 hour.....i satisfy wit my laporan....den i headed home....After body are pain....Cramp....Maybe 2 years no swim tak biasa ady....Soon later....i open my friendster and search for it...but...i cant find.....Now i wan to midnite i play Maple Story~~


KPP The 1st course to the way of driving

Well...I woke up at .6.30am even though i juz sleep for 1 hour.....Well....I reach the centre at 7.30....I juz will wake up so early juz for 2 reason....1st is for GAMING....2nd is for SCHOOLING....Well....Today is kinda miracle for me to wake up even juz sleep for 1 hour....I reach the training centre at 8.00am wit Jonathan & Wen Yao...Hmph....Duno y....i kinda got a kind of feeling dat i will meet my friends around here....So i called up JunHui which say he going for driving course too...Wah!! Unbelieveabe....I can see him there....Too bad we are not in da same 1st me n jon n wenyao went in the wrong class....Malunya....But... we manage to find out b4 the lecturer come in...Phew.... arh....The lectureer for my class....Hmm...He kinda funny.....Talking all the same thing...But it kinda enjoyable.... But Jonathan feel veri boring n sleep in the class....

Well...Today plan didt work well...i cant find what i want.....And i meet alot of......MULUT MURAI gal.....Wah....they sit in front of me and keep talk talk talk....EVEN LOUDER than Jonathan.....Fed up @@.....Aih....bising is not a factor....They AC....DAY DREAMING......They dream to become a CEO....swt....

Before the course started.....I sms JunHui and shared sumthing.....'' Inspirasi ke Arah Kejayaan ''
Well....there have nth to give us inspirasi.....The lectureer Gave me a book....and asked me to memorize have page around 100++....Kinda alot ya? @@ It look kinda tough for pass exam....1stly...we cant have colour blindness....2ndly...Must get at least 42/50 marks for da exam....i duno wad to study...Hopefully i wont fail la....If not....$$ will fly to thier pocket...

Hopefully the next time i go i will meet some.....Well...i talked alot....time for sleep even it is juz .430pm ^^

Boring day in my life...

Well...Today i didt do anything in my life....Once wake up...Just open Computer & continue my gaming life...Awh...I feel it is wasting of time...Well...When i was in the boring situation...I terkenang Alot of memorable event when i was in secondary school.....For example...The 1st day of school...Awh man...Hanseng noe tis well....Even me n my friends lets teacher scold for destroying her thing....Wah...Dat time kinda angry & sad....But...when to today....when i think it back...i can laugh bout it....Man....I miss my secondary life man...I hope i can get it back...But....Of course....i duan sux moment....Well...i m known as Celebi since form 1....Celebi TIME TRAVEL....and go back to da past.....

First time ever posting in a BLOG

Hi...I actually duno what is blog...Just encouraged by JunHui to use blog...LoLx....Argh...Almost forget to introduce myself =P...My name is Liang Chi Wai....17 years old....Oh yea...i m free...I am from KL...Oh...My birthday is on 9th.Sept wor...(Dun forget my present ler xP)....Arghh...i think i juz stop here....I wanna dota wiT Jonathan Kong xP....